sábado, novembro 08, 2008

rosie thomas

Enquanto as gravadoras não conseguiram tirar o Pandora do ar (para qualquer lugar fora dos States), aproveitei bastante...
Lá conheci Vienna Teng, Tori Amos, Susan Tedeschi...

E Rosie Thomas!

Pretty Dress

"Put your pretty dress on
It's time for you to go to the dance

Tie your hair in red buns and lace

And wear pearls around your neck

And all the pretty princes will see you

All the pretty princes will see you

Someday, someday

Put your red boots on
It's time for you to walk home from school

Everyone will laugh, pointing fingers at you

They'll be cruel

But cover up your ears and don't say anything

'Cause you're much better than them

Someday, someday
And they'll wave to you

And they'll wave to you

Put your red coat on and walk with the light in the woods

If it gets dark don't get scared

There's so much waiting for you

Cover up your ears and don't show them

'Cause you're much better than them

Someday, someday

and they'll wave to you

and they'll wave to you

and we'll wave to you

Cause they don't see you like I see you

If they did they'd see that nice little girls grow up

To become homecoming queens

Put your red dress on
Put your red boots on

And they'll wave to you

And they'll wave to you

And we'll wave to you

And we'll wave to you

Put your pretty dress on
Put your red boots on

Put your red coat on"

A letra é linda...
A melodia idem...

Virou música-tema de uma noite muito especial: ainda que o ciclo não tenha tecnicamente terminado (pendências técnicas para completar), ontem foi uma bela festa de despedida =)

Sorrisos, fotos, música...
Ótimas companhias...
E lembranças pra levar por muito tempo...

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

Tive a sensação de que esse é um dos assuntos do qual a senhorita disse que tem pra falar...so q pessoalmente... enquanto isso a curiosidade me mata..rsss!!